Ok, so most of you already knew that, but I thought I would recap. John and I got married on New Year's Eve 2010 and got to start off 2011 with our honeymoon at the Driskill Hotel in Austin, TX. The wedding was absolutely beautiful. We had an amazing time and everything went perfectly. We will put up a recap and pictures as soon as we get the photo CD from the photographer. We felt very blessed to see so many of our friends and family there. And the vendors and staff at the wedding did an amazing job.
The past month has been busy but wonderful. John and I are really enjoying married life. John is in the second semester of the second year of his PhD program in statistics and he's really enjoying himself and is starting to get involved in some very interesting research. John had his preliminary PhD exams the week after the wedding and he of course passed them all. I am working as a veterinary technician at a vet clinic in Waco and I've applied to grad school. All the applications are in now, so I'm just waiting to see what happens next.
Friday we got about 3 inches of snow in Waco and we had a great time taking Rusty and Torchy out to play. They always seem to really love the snow. It was really cold outside though so it was a pretty quick play time. We spent the rest of the day curled up on the couch watching movies. We watched Princess Bride and then had a Star Wars Marathon (3, 4, 5, 6). It's been a great relaxing weekend and we're capping it off with the superbowl and some really great food :)